Matthew Adelstein has recently published a rambling complaint about the state of the debate community, making a number of mischaracterizations that I can only interpret as a weird sexual dance related to his clear kink for humiliation. God’s slimiest soldier is mad, apparently, that people don’t like him. Matthew began his article, as many great philosophical authors do, by making a list of people who have wronged him. He jumps right into his ethnography of the debate community by posting screenshots of some tweets he didn’t like, and describing how horribly bullied a racist was in the replies, as he bravely fought for Adelstein’s moral truth.
Matthew Adelstein, I know you love to search through people disagreeing with you to find crumbs of your own victimization — I’ll make it easy for you — you’re a stupid fucking idiot. People say things for reasons. Can you think of anything that might make white people seem a little untrustworthy? Anything?
Anything at all?
Not one thing?
Nothing at all? And while we’re on the topic! You have such a weird focus on pedophilia! I’m gonna be straight up — I was looking through your Twitter to find some examples of you being racist — there were a lot — somehow there were even more instances of you just going off on a weird rant about how pedophilia isn’t actually a bad thing! Like it’s insane — they just kept coming. Obviously there’s the one above. But then there’s this one:
And this one.
This one too!
Not to forget this one.
These are from months apart, dude. Months apart. You posted some of these in July, some in August, and some all the way in November! Why have you been on a months-long tirade of defending pedophilia on the internet? I’m not asking why you think pedophiles aren’t weird — you have your fake justifications, but I think we all know that being attracted to kids is foregrounded in your mind for a very different reason, because none of your arguments justify why for such an effective altruist, such a long-termist, this is your pet issue. You obviously don’t think that discrimination against pedophiles poses a risk at the level of climate change — so why is it then that when I search your Twitter for tweets about such a catastrophic issue, there aren’t even half as many tweets as times you’ve defended pedophiles on your account?
But you managed to write a whole article about pedophilia back in February, so😬😬😬😬😬😬
All of that aside, there are even more things that make Matthew Adelstein’s recent article so insane — like his second point. Dude! This is literally just a tweet that you’re mad at! What!!! How do you think this is evidence of anything other than you being an annoying dipfuck to this guy? What are you talking about??? For such a scientific-minded man, who cares primarily about getting his facts straight — surely you know that a single tweet, no matter how much it hurt your feelings, is not at all evidence of a broader trend in the debate community! You know that, right??
Now where is really gets wild is when this cool cat decides to defend Michael Moreno’s honor, years after the fact! I get that you’re a late bloomer, Matty — it’s why you still look like a toddler asking if I have games on my phone — but this is even late for you, it was years ago dude.
But even ignoring how weird it is to dredge up a years-old conservative whine-fest about debate and pretend it's representative of the entire community — you’re such a stupid fucking idiot that I don’t even feel the need to respond to your literal copy-paste Michael Moreno rant. Look in the mirror, dude.
I do want to address your part five, though — how fucking dare you describe Oklahoma’s legendary speeches like that — do you know who George Lee is at this point? A couple weeks ago he was the only person Jay Z followed on Twitter. He has a massive following, is a teacher, far more educated than you, and one of the best people in the community. And you choose to talk about him like that? How dare you dude. You get boners when you look at children for all I know. But you’ve still got the balls to talk like this.
Part Six is also so fucking weird. You just made a fucked up joke and people got mad at you and you were like ACKSHUALLY I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD like okay dude. Congrats on being the one user of r/atheism past the age of 14 I guess. And then you start talking about broken windows policing? Okay racist. Can you do me a favor and link this in your replies from debaters section in the OG article though? I think that everyone deserves to see how great you are at defending pedos.
Here's my reply. I'd be happy to have a public debate about your ludicrous allegations, though I assume that you wouldn't do that -- that you'd be too much of a coward to defend your libelous hit piece. One thing that's especially amusing is that you use my real name and twitter handle while blurring it for everyone else -- unclear why you'd do that when in the original article I didn't attach my first name to it. Now, I don't really mind people knowing my real name, but it's very clear there's bad intent here.