Here's my reply. https://benthams.substack.com/p/the-debate-community-replied-to-me I'd be happy to have a public debate about your ludicrous allegations, though I assume that you wouldn't do that -- that you'd be too much of a coward to defend your libelous hit piece. One thing that's especially amusing is that you use my real name and twitter handle while blurring it for everyone else -- unclear why you'd do that when in the original article I didn't attach my first name to it. Now, I don't really mind people knowing my real name, but it's very clear there's bad intent here.

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Dec 17, 2022
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Hi Grabba -- you seem like a reasonable human; if you'd like to explain why you disagree about the pedophilia stuff, I'd be interested to hear. To be clear, I don't really have very many personal beefs with debaters -- there are a lot of debaters who I've never met who are calling me names on the internet, but most of the debaters I've interacted with in person, I've gotten along with. As for the claim about generalizations -- these were just some examples; having been in debate, I know that stuff like this is incredibly rampant. If you talk to debaters, most will agree that, for example, you can't read evidence from Shapiro and hope to win -- or defend that abortion is bad, even if the other team makes arguments about why abortion is good.

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